Club/School Training plans

719,00 $ / month

General training plan service for clubs and schools.

  • One general training plan for the club / school
  • Structures the year into preparation phases, early competition phases and peak of sesaon
  • Individualized structure of the season plan (such as peak of season in spring vs. peak of season in summer or autumn)

This service is intended for clubs and schools who want to offer a general training plan to their members, to unify the preparation process for the main events of the season.

The Club/School Training Plan service is intended for clubs and schools who want to offer a general training plan to their members.
This service makes it easier to unify the general regatta preparation training, and to prepare for the peak of season accross all boat classes as a team.

  • One general training plan for the club / school
  • Structures the year into preparation phases, early competition phases and peak of sesaon
  • Individualized structure of the season plan (such as peak of season in spring vs. peak of season in summer or autumn)
  • Includes three peaks of season (for example: indoor championships, main spring regatta and main autumn regatta)
  • New every 4-6 weeks
  • sent by e-mail as pdf

Have a question? Please send us an e-mail and we’ll respond swiftly.


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