Look at the shoulder work! But improve the body work…

Nathan sent me a message along with this footage on https://www.rowing.zone where you can contact me as well under the handle “@aram”.  His question was how he could progress. While his shoulder work is some of the best I have ever seen, the rest of his body work is not. On the  @BIOROWER  and in a comprehensive video analysis I explain what needs to be done, how it needs to be done and why. 

Here is the mentioned “how far to lean back” video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AO-uouuB8U&t=12s&pp=ygUWYXJhbXRyYWluaW5nIGxlYW4gYmFjaw%3D%3D

Join the Saturday Zoom Club here: https://aramtrainingcom.kinsta.cloud/product/online-rowing-class-saturday-package/

…or get access to the aramtraining member zone and re-live all Saturday Club sessions: https://aramtrainingcom.kinsta.cloud/product/online-rowing-class-saturday-package/

The BIOROWER: https://www.biorower.com

Connect with me on https://rowing.zone 

My user handle is “@ aram”

I looking forward to your feedback. 

The original rowing machine BIOROWER: https://www.biorower.com

The Randallfoils: www.randallfoils.com

Get a comprehensive training plan and technique training package:  https://aramtraining.com/get-coaching/

If you would like to work with me, please fill out the program entry questionnaire: https://aramtraining.com/program-entry-questionnaire-2/

In a few questions, I walk you through the most important steps between where you are now and where you want to go. 

Post your classified ad right here for free: https://www.rowing.zone/classifieds/

You also find me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aram.training

Get the official aramtraining team hat here: https://aramtraining.com/product/team-aramtraining-cap/

…and the official aramtraining rowing suit here: https://aramtraining.com/product/racing-suit-super-light/

#rowingworkout #competitiverowing

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